The digitalized time record, monitored from the inspection, mandatory for all companies and pending the sanctions of up to 10,000 euros It will take more than the law of reduction of day and is open to changes that moderate its … Impact when applying it, especially among SMEs. That is, at least, the scenario that the employer is raised after the Economic and Social Council (CES) has included in its report about 37.5 hours several references to these records and has appealed to the need to avoid problems in small businesses.
The digitalization of all employee outputs and entries to the work center, as well as the statistics of pauses or rest periods brings to the employer’s head since the Government approved the draft Law of Reduction of Day at the beginning of February. In this month, the text has passed through the CES filter, whose opinion requires that the future regulation that develops it “should be carried out as soon as possible to Contribute the necessary security and take into account these difficulties in contemplating Specifications and exceptions » especially in relation to many SMEs.
The Ministry of Labor, led by the Second Vice President Yolanda Díaz, will be in charge of preparing that rule once the law of the reduction of day in the Courts is approved. The CES, in a minimum text, asks «Establish a consultation process With union and business organizations, as well as collecting the opinion of other associations that group or represent people whose rights or interest affected by the norm ».
It even makes a specific reference to two sectors with which, considers the CES, we must “take into account its differential productive reality” because the application of digital media “It can be especially complicated.” It is about agricultural activity and fishing, where digital record would be complicated.
More time to apply it
The result of that regulation – a norm with a lower range to the law, which cannot contradict it – will arrive, as very soon, in mid -2026, provided that the Law enters into force on January 1 next year, as is initially planned. That is the deadline that entrepreneurs also handle to try to condition their final demands.
In any case, the calendar would allow them to adapt to the new reality although, business sources insist, the first option is to soften those requirements that have so far been on the table and that the different social agents admit that they must negotiate with respect to the current draft.
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