Tragic accident ends truck driver’s life
Another terrible accident involving a truck driver inside his vehicle. The truck overturned and shortly after caught fire, leaving him no escape and ending his life.
Here’s what happened on this sad Monday in September
Pontebba: Trucker Trapped in the Matrix of His Vehicle
A serious accident occurred this afternoon in Pontebbaa locality in the province of Udine. Along Road 13, in fact, a heavy vehicle, more precisely a truckit completely overturned. As if all this were not enough, the vehicle immediately took firegenerating great panic among all those who found themselves on that stretch of road.

The most dramatic and shocking thing was the presence of the driver of the truck, which remained trapped inside the passenger compartment. He not only had to bear the weight of his truck overturning, but also the pain and heat of the flames.
The fire in fact involved the entire matrix and he had no escape as he was blocked inside the cabin of the truck he was driving. Given the disaster, the rescue team moved immediately, but upon their arrival it was not possible to do anything other than note the death of the truck driver.
Man dies charred inside his truck

If the impact caused by the Truck rollover it was strong, the fire that broke out a few seconds later was nothing short of terrible. The truck driver who was driving the vehicle was in fact trapped inside the passenger compartment where he died carbonized.
There was no hope for him, as he was already dead when the rescue arrived and not even medical cars and helicopter rescue could have done anything to change this sad epilogue. The police are trying to understand the dynamics of the accident and the reason that led the truck to overturn. The same questions were asked about the sudden explosion of the fire which ended this man’s life.
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