The Government recovers partial retirement for the officials that Rajoy eliminated in 2012
The Ministry of Public Function and the CCOO and UGT unions have closed an agreement this Wednesday so that public ...
The Ministry of Public Function and the CCOO and UGT unions have closed an agreement this Wednesday so that public ...
The Constitutional Court has accepted for processing an appeal for protection presented by the Independent Trade Union and Civil Servants ...
The bill exceeds 30,000 million euros and two million public employees are affected The High Court admits an appeal for ...
52.2% of the membership gives him their support in the second round of the primaries and he resumes the presidency ...
The Brazilian president, Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva, recovers without problems in an intensive care unit after his doctors removed ...
More than a month after the catastrophic DANA that caused more than 200 deaths in the Valencian Community, the latest ...
The Letur City Council (Albacete) hopes to recover this week the electricity supply in the historic center area of this ...
International tourism has recovered, reaching levels prepandemic. This follows from the World Tourism Barometercarried out by the UN, which reveals ...
The ski resorts in the Girona Pyrenees They remain attentive to the thermometer to start the season. In a press ...
After the fire in April 2019, the reconstruction of the Gothic monument has been a great national adventure The absence ...
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