Sanchista board games | Column by JL Saldaña.
Yesterday, President Sánchez anticipated the traditional Christmas speech of the King of Spain in his appearance after the Council of ...
Yesterday, President Sánchez anticipated the traditional Christmas speech of the King of Spain in his appearance after the Council of ...
They're going to leave you stranded, mate. They are going to leave you exposed and with your ass in the ...
I don't know if enough is said about gradual disappearance of the middle class. The rich go about their business, ...
I am not used to seeing among the news of most of the digital and printed media news that They ...
It's not easy to find someone who believes in you. When it happens, it is also not easy to realize ...
Affirms Javier Lambán in an interview with Carlos Herrera that social democracy must be based on liberal democracy. The former ...
Some of my friends tell me that I do not believe in politics, that my speech is dangerous and that ...
From a part monologue He is expected to come out on stage with a little walk, to rub his hands, ...
Peace is not in a hug, in sunsets, beaches, mountains or forests. Peace is not in meditation, in self-acceptance or ...
Men are potential heroes. We have been hearing for some time that any man is a potential rapist and it ...