Survey | Have you received financial support from your parents as an adult? Answer the survey

Some parents give their children money, especially during the study phase, some even later. We collect experiences on the subject.

Some of the parents supports her children financially even after they have moved away from home. The support may be related to the study phase, but may continue even after that.

How much financial help have you received from your parents as an adult? How has it affected your life?

Or if you haven't received any at all, what do you think?

Answer the survey and tell us about your experiences. We'll make a story about it.

The comments of respondents who left their contact information may be used anonymously in the story. In addition, the editor may contact those respondents who have given their permission.

We do not publish contact information, but HS's principle is that the identity of the people quoted in the story must be known to the editor.

If you wish, you can answer only part of the survey questions.

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