The strong showers will focus this Saturday in the Balearic Islands and northeast of Catalonia, but there will be notice due to low -6ºC temperatures at points of Aragon and Castilla -La Mancha and Weak frosts in most interiors of the northern peninsular half, This of the South Plateau and in high areas of the Southeast, according to the forecast of the State Meteorology Agency (Aemet).
Specifically, minimal temperatures notices will be in Cuenca and Guadalajara (Castilla-La Mancha) and Teruel (Aragon). Also, Barcelona and Girona (Catalonia) will be in snow notice and Girona and the coast of Melilla, for waves.
Thus, the Aemet has advanced that there will be a predominance of the little cloudy skies in the first half of the day. Despite this, showers will be given that will occasionally accompanied with a storm in the Balearic Islands and Northeast of Catalonia, where they could be locally strong.
In turn, it will also be possible that they register in the Strait and in the Eastern Peninsular Facade. Likewise, weak rainfall is expected in the Cantabrian area, Alto Ebro, North of the Iberian and the Pyrenees. During the afternoon, the forecast collects an increase in instability, with cloudy skies and scattered showers that will affect large areas of the Atlantic and southeast peninsular slope.
In parallel, the state agency indicates that snowfall will be registered in mountains of the north and southeast peninsular, especially in the Eastern Pyrenees. Thus, at the end of the day, it is possible that Start Nevar on the Northern Plateaumore likely in the mountains of your surroundings. In this context, the level will be located at 700/900 meters (m) in the north and peninsular center, although it will tend to 900/1100 m in the second case.
In addition, it will be in 1200/1500 m in the southeast and 1000/1200 m in the Balearic Islands. Meanwhile, in the Canary Islands, there will be cloudy intervals with probable occasional showers on the islands of greater relief and morning fog banks in mountains of Andalusia and the North, which can be dense inside North of Galicia.
With regard to temperatures, the maximums will rise in Catalonia, east of Aragon and Community Valencian, they will descend in the Balearic Islands and there will be few changes in the rest. On the other hand, The minimums will rise slightly in western Castila y León And they will generally go down in the rest. In addition, weak frosts will be given in most interiors of the northern peninsular half, east of the southern plateau and in high areas of the southeast. These will be more intense in mountain environments of the northern half, especially in Pyrenees and Iberian South.
For the rest, the Aemet has indicated that winds of north component will blow at the peninsular and west north end in the rest. By zones, These winds will be generally moderate in coastlines And in the Ebro and lazy in the rest, with probable intervals of strong and very strong gusts in Ampurdán, under Ebro and Alborán. In the Canary Islands, lazy winds of north and west components and Brisas regime will be recorded.
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