The Pokémon Company International has shared an animated video in which it talks about the story of Pecharuntthe Domination Pokémon introduced in Pokémon Scarlet and Violet The treasure of Area Zero Appendixor the final DLC of the expansion recently released on Nintendo Switch.
Pecharunt also connects to the history of Nordivia and the first part of the Pokémon Scarlet and Violet expansion. The video basically tells the backstory of the first DLC, therefore If you don't want any kind of preview, we recommend not seeing it. However, it includes details not present in the game, so if you have already completed the Appendix you should see it.
The video explains first of all what the Pecharunt abilitycreate poisoned mochi (typical Japanese sweets) that bewitch humans and Pokémon, making them servants of Pecharunt.
Pecharunt, what Pokémon is it?
Pecharunt is a Poison/Ghost-type Pokémon. It is 0.3 meters tall and weighs 0.3 kg. His special ability is Toxic Charm and it's new to the game. In practice, if the creature poisons or hyperpoisons you, you will also be confused: this is a potentially lethal combination if you don't have a team at the right level.
Pecharunt also has the signature move “Intoxicated” which envelops the target and is able to hyperpoison him (and, as just mentioned, also confuse him thanks to Toxic Magic).
To capture it, it is necessary to complete the part of the plot known as the Appendix of Pokémon Scarlet and Violet The treasure of Area Zero.
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