Nicole Kidman surprises with original and groundbreaking looks on the red carpets. Her taste for fashion is undeniable, which is why earlier this year we already saw her dazzle for the Golden Globes held on January 5, wearing a piece by Balenciaga. Without a doubt, over the last few years she has become the muse of the Spanish brand, wearing it on different occasions and through different pieces.
Although 2024 was one of the most difficult years for an actress due to the death of her mother on September 24, Kidman always shows strength and empowerment in all events.
So much so that he recently impressed us with his presence at the National Board of Review Awards in New York. A date where also Angelina Jolie, Cynthia Erivo and Ariana Grande attended.
The event had several special moments, such as her award for best actress. Likewise, when he approached to give his words of gratitude, he did not want to miss the opportunity to render tribute to the character Romy from his latest audiovisual work Babygirl. Drinking a glass of milkmentioned her role for the erotic thriller, based on a real anecdote by Kidman, which later introduced one of the most controversial scenes.
Nicole Kidman becomes the best dressed of the night
Nicole was the star of the evening, since she gave us laughter and humor, and at the same time, she impacted with a archival garment by Jean-Paul Gaultier. It is a black dress, long structure, made with velvet, long sleeves and, the touch that has attracted the most attention, without a neckline in the front, since the surprise was the neckline in the back, which was completely exposed and included embedded pearls.
This model was part of the autumn-winter 2014 collection and remained one of the most remembered designs from the golden years of the French house. It is for this reason that the celebrity wanted to highlight the ‘outfit’ with discreet accessories, combining and contrasting with pearl earrings and a ponytail hairstyle with slight waves on one side. Simple and glamorous, this was her parade during the awards gala.
Trends return, and sometimes they return stronger than in other seasons. Open back dresses are once again a bet for women who dress best, thus becoming a ‘must have’ of the girls who seek to be the most avant-garde of this year 2025.
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