The comedian Nikki Glaser debuted as presenter of the Golden Globes in its 82nd edition, held in the early hours of January 6. While the Three Wise Men distributed gifts, she served as master of ceremony at the gala that opens the 2025 awards season.
Glaser took his job very seriously several weeks before the awards celebration. In fact, he tried his monologues in various locations and in front of different people to see what I could include and what I had to discard.
Although she is an experienced comedian who has presented several reality shows such as Blind Date either FBOY Island, his tables did not prevent him from feeling very nervous about the task he had to accomplish in the Beverly Hilton of Los Angeles. In fact, he acknowledged it several times during his opening monologue.
Nikki Glaser’s interventions have probably generated all kinds of reactions, both good and bad. However, in these cases the worst ones usually stand out, or at least the not so good ones. They are usually caused by some uncomfortable comments or jokes, like the one that involved Harrison Ford, Zendaya and Ariana Grande.
“I was talking to Harrison Ford backstage and after he told me what he wanted to drink, I asked him if he’d rather work with Zendaya or Ariana. He told me Indica,” the comedian said. The veteran actor’s face didn’t look like that of many friends, so he didn’t find it very funny. We also don’t know if he is a very regular marijuana user, but he probably meant by indica. to one of the types of cannabis.
Ariana Grande and Zendaya’s reactions were nicer, but Harrison Ford’s gesture was hard as a stone. It is also true that our Indiana Jones always walks around the awards shows looking like he doesn’t really want to be there, even though he is usually showered with praise wherever he goes. Who knows if he was into character or he really didn’t find it funny at all.
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#Harrison #Ford #Zendaya #Ariana #Grande #laughed #uncomfortable #joke #Golden #Globes