The Superior Audit of the Federation announced the results of 763 audits practiced in companies and dependencies of the Federal Government in 2022.
The audits They concluded that until that year there was 33,186 million pesos without clarifying its use. It was not known what they spent them on or if they were stolen.
Without clarifying their destination or where that money went, until 2022 they added:
- 785 million in the Mayan Train.
- 110 million in the Dos Bocas Refinery.
- 15,000 million in Mexican Food Security, SEGALMEX (before CONASUPO).
- 14 million in the Felipe Ángeles Airport.
- 121 million in the Federal electricity commission.
- 799 million in PEMEX.
- 62 million in the Tula refinery.
- 407 million in the mayor’s offices (previously delegations) in CDMX.
- 292 million in the National Commission of Physical Culture and Sports (CONADE).
- 12 million in governors.
ASF data shows the huge amounts of money lost, or stolen by the 4th Transformation in 4 years of government.
We estimate that at the end of this government his 6 years in power the total of those amounts will doublebecoming the highest figure for resource diversion of any Mexican government in the 20th and 21st centuries.
Of course, if the MORENA candidate wins the next elections, those millionaire diversions will be forgotten, without any investigation or punishment of those who illicitly took or stole those millions.
If the opposition candidate wins, it is very likely that these deviations will be expanded and further substantiated, and those responsible will be put in jail.
To date, May 2024, more than 90% of these resources remain unclear.
It is necessary that the spending figures of the federal government and state companies be published with more complete figures, within the reach of the majority of Mexicans.
That the government does not reserve figures with the excuse that they are data protected by national security.
The obligation of federal, state and municipal governments to make the destination of their expenses publicly known with clear figures must be reflected in the Constitution.
End the “funnel law, the narrow thing for those who pay taxes: all the weight of the law for evading taxes, but the wide thing: all the flexibility and opacity to spend taxes, without the obligation to make it clearly known to citizens how the taxes they pay are spent.
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