The UAE Journalists Association announced its support for the “Campaign to Combat Electronic Flies” launched by Sheikh Abdullah bin Mohammed bin Butti Al Hamed, Chairman of the National Media Office, as part of the cooperation between the office and the association to spread professional standards, consolidate national values, and combat electronic flies, which are considered one of the most dangerous plagues of our time.
Fadhila Al Muaini, President of the Emirates Journalists Association, said that the association is working to coordinate and interact with media institutions to support the national campaign to combat electronic flies, which are practiced by spiteful and weak-willed people who are resentful of the success of countries, institutions and individuals, and who use fake accounts to spread false information, values and destructive ideas in an attempt to distort the successes and achievements of countries, individuals and institutions.
Al Muaini stressed that the association works to spread awareness among citizens and social media users to confront these scourges, through a number of programs and events that it organizes throughout the year, noting that the association is currently working on organizing several training courses for young journalists and social media users to train them on confronting destructive ideas, and how to confront incorrect values that spread on social media, in order to preserve peace and social security for the country and its citizens.
Al Muaini explained that the launch of the campaign by the National Media Office confirms the state’s keenness and the wise leadership’s efforts to enhance security and spread stability in all countries of the region, and to promote the values of tolerance and reject rumors and sedition by working to implement professional standards, spread correct values, and confront all terrorist acts and destructive ideas practiced by spiteful people and enemies of success.
Al-Muaini called on local, Gulf and Arab media institutions to adopt this national campaign, given its important role in confronting fake accounts programmed to spread false information to undermine the values and ethics of societies, spread chaos and offend public and successful figures, noting that awareness is the most powerful weapon to confront these scourges.
• The association works to spread awareness among citizens and social media users, through a number of programs and events.
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#Journalists #Association #supports #Campaign #Combat #Electronic #Flies