Joaquin Sanchez He lived a very endearing moment with his daughters, Daniela and Salmaduring his trip in The captain in America (Antenna 3). Sitting outside the caravan, they began a conversation. conversation with which many families could identify.
“You’re not enjoying the trip, I don’t see you enjoying it,” he told the girls. “Yes, dad,” they both responded in unison. “I meant what we talked about before,” the former soccer player introduced. “I wish you had more confidence to tell me your things“he added.
Joaquín accepted that his daughters had more trust with their mother: “But I also it makes me excited that tell me any nonsense“It doesn’t have to be the most private things.” The girls accepted, although not without justifying themselves.
“We spent more time with her,” Salma said. “But I tell you things without a problem,” he continued. “I I tried to tell you about things with Javi, but you messed me up“Daniela reminded him, talking about when she told him that she had a boyfriend.
The father, however, accepted the criticism. “Instead of taking a stand with you I walked away from you, but I have learned from that and I realize that I had to understand you a little more“, the captain reflected. “Do you have a boyfriend or what?” he took the opportunity to ask the little girl, who told him not to laugh.
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