Netflix, the leading platform in several countries on five continents, has millions of subscribers around the world. This forces her to constantly expand her repertoire of films, series and documentaries to satisfy the demands of her demanding followers.
Among its varied programming schedule, a psychological thriller stands out that is blowing the minds of many viewers due to its surprising plot and its unexpected ending, which will surely leave you with your mouth open.
What is the Netflix movie that everyone is talking about because of its incredible ending?
We are referring to the psychological thriller and mystery film 'Fractured' ('Fractured' in English). This feature film was released in Netflix on September 22, 2019 and remains available in the catalog to this day. Although it has not received a very strong marketing campaign, it has gained a following and is considered by many to be one of the best psychological thrillers of recent times.
The American film features the participation of the renowned Hollywood actor Sam Worthington famous for his work in the 'Avatar' saga, as well as for playing Perseus in 'Clash of the Titans' and Marcus Wright in 'Terminator Salvation'.
'Fracture' is a psychological thriller that will captivate you from the first minute. Photo: Netflix
What is the Netflix movie 'Fracture' about?
According to the synopsis presented by Netflix, 'Fracture' follows Ray (Sam Worthington), his wife Joanne and daughter Peri in the middle of a trip back home. When they make a short stop at a rest area, the girl suffers an accident, she breaks her arm and is quickly evacuated to the hospital.
Peri is checked by the doctors, but after she is taken to undergo tests with her mother, Ray loses track of them. When he wakes up in the waiting room, he anxiously searches the entire hospital for his family; However, no one gives him reasons about it. In fact, they tell him that there is no record of Peri being treated there. From that moment on, he begins the extraordinary and takes us to a very original and innovative ending that will leave many paralyzed.
Watch the official trailer for 'Fracture' here
Who is in the cast of 'Fractura'?
Sam Worthington as Ray
Lily Rabe as Joanne
Lucy Capri as Peri
Stephen Tobolowsky as Dr. Berthram
Adjoa Andoh is Dr. Isaacs.
Actor Sam Worthington masterfully plays Ray in 'Fracture'. Photo: Netflix
Where and how to watch the full movie 'Fracture'?
'Fracture' is available right now on Netflix, so if you want to watch it from your mobile phone or smart TV, you simply have to subscribe to the service with a monthly, quarterly or annual payment, depending on your preferences. It is important to note that this way you will also have access to the entire catalog of series, movies and documentaries on the platform.
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