Vladimir Luxuria, in the episode of Monday 22 April, announced that there will be no evening episode of Island of the Famous on Thursday 25 April. What is going on?
Mediaset stop for the reality show. The Island of the Famous 2024 Thursday 25 April will not air as scheduled. Vladimir Luxuria's broadcast offers, in fact, a double weekly appointment, on Monday and Thursday evenings, usually live (even if in some cases the episode was recorded). There will be no episode on Liberation Day: what will be broadcast in its place on Canale 5?
The owner of the house herself made this announcement which destabilized everyone a bit. Live, in the episode broadcast on Monday 22 April 2024, Vladimir Luxuria he said that the appointment with a new episode was postponed to the following Monday.
Thursday 25 April, the day that in Italy celebrates the Liberation Dayno live or recorded episode of Island of the Famous 2024. Fans don't understand what's happening and why this measure was taken.
The schedule of Mediaset channels, on the occasion of Liberation Day, on Thursday 25 April, will undergo some small changes. Changes that also forced the reality show not to air.
Nothing to worry about, the program hosted by Vladimir Luxuria it is not questioned. This is just a decision by Pier Silvio Berlusconi's company in view of the celebrations on April 25th.

What will be broadcast instead of Island of the Famous 2024 on Thursday 25 April?
We won't see him again on Thursday shipwrecked in Honduras: with them the appointment is postponed to Monday 29 April. In addition to Island of the Famous, the episodes of the dating show Men and Women, the talent show Amici 23 and the Turkish soap opera Endless Love have also been cancelled.
In the first evening of Canale 5 on Thursday 25 April, instead of the reality show, a new evening appointment with the soap opera Bitter Earth. Instead of Maria De Filippi's program, however, there will be an episode of the soap opera La Promessa, scheduled until 5pm, when the baton will pass to Myrta Merlino. Pomeriggio 5 will be broadcast regularly and live.
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