Ferrovial will vote on its General Shareholders Meeting a 10% increase in the fixed remuneration of its president, Rafael del Pino, up to 1.65 million euros Annual, and 10.3% in that of its CEO, Ignacio Madridejos, up to 1.6 million. The proposal, included in the modification of the Minister’s remuneration policy, argues that the company’s largest international presence and the obligations derived from its price in the United States, Spain and the Netherlands have increased complexity of both positions.
The modification of remuneration policy will also affect the non -executive counselors, whose total remuneration will increase by 20%up to 2.28 million euros annually. The company justifies this increase in the need to attract profiles with experience in the North American market, the main investment area of Ferrovial, which concentrates 80% of its assets and more than 90% of its investments of 2024.
Another novelties is the introduction of partial payment in shares for non -executive directors. Up to 20% of its remuneration will be paid in company titleswith a three -year tenure period or until the end of his mandate. This model seeks to align with the usual practices in the US, where most companies combine cash and actions in the remuneration of their managers.
The Board, convened for the April 24 in Amsterdamwill also vote the re -election of seven counselors, including Rafael del Pino and María del Pino as executive and non -executive counselors, respectively. In the agenda are also the approval of the annual accounts of 2024 and the company’s climate strategy report.
At the same time, Ferrovial will propose the designation of PWC as an external auditor for the 2025-2027 period and as a verifying entity of sustainability information. The company will also discuss the possibility of modify its dividend policy and the creation of a new flexible dividend system For an amount in cash equivalent to about 570 million euros.
This scheme, in which shareholders may choose between receiving the dividend in cash or in Ferrovial shares, is complemented by the possibility that additional dividends are paid or the format is modified, either only in cash or only in shares. To do this, the Board of Directors will request authorization to issue new ordinary shares, up to a maximum of 5%.
The Board of Directors has recommended shareholders vote in favor of all proposals Included in the agenda, arguing that these measures will strengthen the competitiveness of the company in its main markets. The Board will be held in hybrid format, allowing both face -to -face and telematics participation, although the questions must be presented in writing.
Ferrovial, that transferred its headquarters to the Netherlands in 2023maintains its expansion strategy in North America, where it concentrates most of its investments. The company considers that the new remuneration policy is key to strengthening its presence in that market and attracting talent with experience in international infrastructure and regulations.
#Ferrovial #propose #joint #salary #pine #madridejos