“Heat and Covid, it’s a red dot for the elderly and frail“. This was reported by Fiaso, the Italian Federation of Health and Hospital Companies, urging “active monitoring to avoid imbalances and visits to the emergency room”, linked to two factors that “can seriously impact the health status of over 65s and chronically ill patients”.
“The heat wave and the increase in the circulation of Covid in recent days are causing some concern for the health conditions of the elderly and frail,” says Fiaso president Giovanni Migliore. “This convergence of two adverse circumstances – he underlines – must make us keep our guard up to multiply the efforts of active monitoring by general practitioners who know the condition of their patients. In any case, it is necessary to avoid that cardiocirculatory or respiratory problems lead them to have to arrive in serious conditions in the emergency room”.
“In recent weeks there has been a significant increase in Covid cases – Migliore notes – It is a signal that deserves attention, even if the absolute numbers are still decidedly low and there is no pressure on hospitals. The patients we are registering – he describes – arrive with mild respiratory symptoms, but above all for the treatment of other pathologies”, therefore “‘with Covid’, that is, positivity is found after the swab. If we look at the incidence by age, the highest rate is among the elderly. This must lead us to adopt responsible behaviors that do not support the spread of infections. Once again – Migliore concludes – we must follow the recommendations we know, avoiding being in closed and crowded places in the case of positivity to Covid and in the presence of symptoms, perhaps staying at home for a few days”.
#Extreme #heat #Covid #elderly #frail #red #dot