The Traumatology specialist at the Quirónsalud Plaza Euskadi Medical Center, Dr. Nuria Urquiza, ensures that adequate physical preparation, especially of legs and core, is essential to reduce the risk of injuries during the ski season.
Furthermore, the expert highlights the importance of warm up before startinguse appropriate equipment and stay hydrated, even if the cold environment does not make you feel thirsty. “It is also vital to be aware of one’s own limits, since most injuries occur at the end of the day, when accumulated fatigue decreases reflexes and technique,” he points out.
The doctor also emphasizes the need for proper rehabilitation. “Surgery accounts for 50 percent of the success of the treatment, but the other 50 percent is rehabilitation. A good sports rehabilitation program is essential to avoid relapses and guarantee a complete recovery,” he concludes.
Likewise, Dr. Urquiza points out that “Anterior cruciate ligament injuries are very common in skiing, since sudden turns and falls can generate great pressure on the knees.” Although fractures of the wrist and clavicle also stand out, in addition to shoulder dislocations. “Fractures of the wrist and clavicle occur because, Instinctively, when we fall we tend to extend our hands to protect ourselves, which increases the risk of this type of injury,” he explains.
With regard to gender, when analyzing the profile of injuries, it is observed that women are more predisposed to suffering knee injuries, especially to the anterior cruciate ligament. “This is due to anatomical and hormonal differences, as well as neuromuscular control,” clarifies the doctor.
For its part, Men more often suffer upper body injuries. “In general, they tend to take more risks while skiing, which exposes them to clavicle fractures or shoulder dislocations,” he adds.
Regarding diagnosis and treatment, advances in the field of traumatology have been notable in recent years. “Currently we have high precision MRIs that allow quick and accurate diagnoses, even in small injuries,” explains the doctor. Likewise, the development of minimally invasive techniques, such as arthroscopy, has transformed injury recovery. “These procedures allow ligaments or menisci to be repaired with minimal incisions, which significantly reduces recovery time,” he details.
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