Colombian has been missing in Mexico for more than two months: this is known about the strange case

The Colombian's family Samuel Augusto Gaona Pava It has been more than two months without having information about him, after the man migrated to Mexico with the intention of working.

The subject, 34 years old, 1.82 tall and with a robust build, was last seen near the airport in the city of Tijuana on December 3, 2024. Since that moment his family in Colombia has been experiencing an ordeal of not knowing what has happened to him.

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Relatives say that Samuel arrived in Tijuana on November 29, with the promise of a job that someone there helped him get.

However, shortly after arriving in the Mexican city, she told her sisters that things were not as she thought, nor was the treatment of people the kindest.

“He said that Tijuana was very ugly because they didn't want Colombians there, that he didn't think that they didn't want us there and that he wanted to return to Colombia“Milena Gaona, Samuel's sister, told CityTv news.

On December 3, Milena Gaona wrote several messages to her brother, which were never answered. The anguish of the young woman and her family increased and bad thoughts that something bad could have happened to her began to arise.

It was for this that They decided to communicate with the supposed person who had called him to work and who would receive it in Tijuana.

“We wrote to the person who received him and he told us that the Federal Police took him in the early morning and that they asked him for $1,500,” said the sister.

I told him to tell me the truth

The subject told them that he handed over the money but that Samuel was never releasedsomething that worried the family much more, because they did not know if the information that the man in Tijuana told them was true.

On the other hand, that guy who had called him to work returned to Colombia three days later and gave the family his passport and other papers. Additionally, he stated that he “was afraid,” although he did not explain why.

Meanwhile, Milena Gaona decided to go to the authorities in Colombia to get help and locate her brother who disappeared abroad.

However, the woman affirms that the response was not positive, since there is not much that the entities can do because the events occurred outside the country.

The family has asked about his whereabouts in prisons and hospitals in that country, but they are told that he is not there.

“It is anguish for us, his son and his wife are also suffering a lot,” added the family member.


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#Colombian #missing #Mexico #months #strange #case





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