The end of the year is time for balance sheets and this Thursday was the day chosen by Isabel Díaz Ayuso to make hers. From the Royal Post Office and accompanied by her nine advisors, the Madrid president has reviewed the main milestones of your management this 2024 and your priorities for 2025in a speech of about 40 minutes that began with a memory of the victims of the October DANA and in which, as usual, there was no shortage of harsh criticism of both the central Executive and its president.
The Madrid leader has indicated that Pedro Sánchez “needs to strangle Madrid and decapitalize Spain” and has assured that she sees in the president a “personal obsession” with the region that has turned the Government of the Nation into an “unexpected enemy” of the Community . “That’s why They are cutting off our energy and waterthey allow the collapse of the Cercanías trains and do not control immigration,” he launched.
“He can’t stand the fact that Madrid is the country’s economic locomotive”has insisted on Sánchez, to reiterate that from his point of view the president’s political objective is to “entrench” himself in power.
Expansion will continue.
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