Automatic boxes have gained land in different businesses such as supermarkets and large surfaces, but are also appearing in pharmacies and even small businesses. This type of equipment speeds up the payment process, needs less personnel in the boxes and, in turn, … customers manage their purchase automatically. In addition, in some of these businesses, the car scan has also been installed that allows customers to scan their products according to the shelves and introduce them into the car. And the AI is playing a crucial role in the evolution of self -control solutions, improving security, reliability, operational efficiency and customer experience.
«As consumers seek a faster and more comfortable purchase experience, these technological solutions have gained a fundamental role in improving operational efficiency and reducing waiting times. In addition, they allow mitigating the impact of personnel scarcity without affecting the experience of consumers, ”they indicate from Strongpoint, a Norwegian multinational that has been developing solutions for more than 35 years so that shops are more efficient.
In recent years, consumers have seen how supermarkets have adapted to the multiple changes that have occurred in society, both for digitalization and new habits. “Technology can promote more agile payment solutions, which reduce friction, make the purchase more agile and fast and that for some consumers is very important,” recalls David Gracia, director of communication of the communication of the communication of the National Association of Large Distribution Companies (ANGED). However, remember that as physical money is coexists and with digital payment, the autocobro and traditional boxes will coexist since “in our stores the important thing is that consumers feel comfortable. What for some can be very agile, for others it can be desperate, ”he says. In the future, “it may be a unique solution, but not now.”
From Anged they recognize that in certain stores it introduces a lot of efficiency and that in sectors such as fashion evolves technology faster since “it is easier to collect clothes than to pass a car with many products.” In spite of this, processes are being expedited and it is about implementing it, “it is tested a lot of proof and error.”
Precisely in the Zara fashion sector, he began to try the autocobro boxes in their stores in 2015 and this technological advance has been progressively incorporated and evolving its functionalities since then in the group’s stores. At present, they recognize several articles at the same time. “Its objective is to continue contributing to improve the experience of our clients based on their preferences, since they also have traditional boxes at their disposal,” says company sources. This initiative, like other technological advances available in their stores such as Pay & Go or reservations of testers, “also help our employees to prioritize attention to our clients against other types of tasks,” they add.
From the group they remember that Inditex promoted as of 2012 the investment in technology aimed at integrating its online stores and channel platform. In this sense, “the incorporation of RFID technology into garments alarms, which allows its traceability from logistics platforms to the sale in traditional and self -chief boxes, and which allows the unified management of the entire stock,” , they point out.
Pharmaceutical sector
In Spain, specifically in Valencia, the Futurian company has developed in recent years the self -service and self -employment system, based on the RFID technology With automatic product scanning in the drawer or drawer of the system. “In particular, it is the first time that this technology conquers the pharmacy sector globally, and this is being very well received by the sector’s own needs and its clients,” says his CEO, Javier Ferrer Alós. He assures that the main innovation of this self -service system is that the entire interaction with the user is made without contact, that is, “it is the first autopagogue cashier that does not require a touch screen, which allows two significant advantages,” he highlights. On the one hand, “it prevents cross pollution,” and on the other “makes its use very simple by the user that often requires assistance in other types of ATMs,” he says. In other words, “Fast4shop’s new technology eliminates the technological gap of a self -pepago cashier and makes it easier and faster to use.”
An Alcobendas pharmacy was the first to use the FAST4SHOP system that according to Futurian’s CEO, “it is perfect for a trade whose public sometimes unbalanced are the same patients or people who are in contact with patients, being able to be vectors of infections by infections contact.”. Thanks to simplicity without touch screen “eliminates the technological gap, being suitable for the public of greater regulars in pharmacies,” he adds. Remember that these manual boxes are for customers who only want shelving parapharmacy products and that in no more than 15 seconds they pay their purchase and leave. «In pharmacies, the tail is typical due to the dispensation and management of recipes. Facilitate the self -process of parapharmacy products improves loyalty knowing customers who will not queue and buy in a few seconds, ”he says. And not least for this sector is the fact that the system has a rapid inventory with rfid gun, Something that can wear just over 20 minutes. The Valencian firm is preparing a new factory to be able to serve all the demand that is coming from Spain, Europe, South America, India and Dubai.
In Strongpoint they have opted to develop advanced solutions such as Vensafe, Cashguard and the SCO-Self Chekout solutions with antihurto, “which help prevent theft of products at the point of sale,” explains Lorena Gómez, director of Strongpoint Spain. “These innovations allow greater security by managing high -risk products, reducing losses for the ‘retailers’ and optimizing the operation of trade, all without compromising the customer experience,” he adds.
Specifically, Strongpoint’s SCO solution is the fastest on the market, “up to three times faster than other solutions, designed to optimize customer experience,” says the company. Thanks to his advanced antihurt security, “the client can complete the transaction without interruptions, ensuring an agile and safe process,” they add. They also remember that it is the first SCO in production in Spain with control of articles of variable weight through AI, which allows a precise and efficient management of these products. “In addition, its modular design ensures flexibility and scalability, adapting to the needs of each store.”
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