And you, who do you condemn the most? To Franco or Maduro? It is not worth saying that you have to choose both, because that is why we are a polarized country. Come on, get wet. Does a dictator of ours who died half a century ago bother you more, or a current authoritarian ruler who is seven thousand kilometers away? Does temporal distance or geographical distance weigh more on you? Are you more moved by the relatives of the victims of Franco’s regime who continue to live among us, or by the exiled Venezuelans who also live among us? Would you go to an event to celebrate Franco’s death, or to a demonstration against the Venezuelan regime?
I know, it’s a tricky dilemma. A shitty dilemma, sorry. In fact, a majority of democrats will say that there is no such dilemma, that there is no need to choose, that Francoism can be condemned without legitimizing Maduro’s questioned victory in the elections; and that Venezuela’s repressive drift can be rejected without weakening the necessary democratic memory. And furthermore, there is no possible equidistance, since they are not opposing and exclusive options: being against Franco does not throw you into the arms of Maduro, in the same way that denouncing Maduro does not prevent you from condemning Franco… Hey, wait a moment.
#inclined #condemn #Franco #Maduro