Amazon has presented today the results corresponding to the last quarter of his fiscal year 2024. Some figures that would make many other companies salivate, since he has doubled their benefits, but that have not been enough for investors. The two great injuries of the company have been the expectations for the next quarter and Amazon Web Services, which have been close to what was expected, but enough to unleash the concern.
The technology company has reaped 187.8 billion dollars in revenue, compared to 187,320 million dollars estimated by the market. However, Amazon has devastated benefits estimates. The member of the Magnificent seven has obtained earnings encrypted in the $ 1.86, compared to $ 1.50 the expected participation For the market. Specifically, Amazon’s net profit has been 20,000 million dollars, twice the one obtained last year In interannual terms. And also in the accumulated of the year: in 2024 the company won 59.2 billion dollars, doubleing the figures of 2023.
On the other hand, the great disappointment of the company has come hand in hand with the expectations for the next quarter. Amazon plans to obtain Sales encrypted between 151,000 and 155,000 million, compared to 158.6 billion estimated previously. In addition, the benefit will also fall short, as the company calculates obtaining profits between 14,000 to 18,000 million dollars, a volume of less than 18,250 million dollars previously forecast. All this has pushed Amazon down the Afterhours, falling more than 3%.
Among the causes of the worsening of expectations are two key elements. One of them, a habitual suspect, is Trump and the influence of its policies on strengthening the dollar that will harm its exports outside the US. Specifically, the firm foresees an impact of 2.1 billion dollars in its accounts related to the next quarter. On the other hand, this year there will be not February 29, the day in which last year $ 1.5 billion entered sales.
For its part, Amazon Web Services has remained slightly below expectations when registering 28,790 million dollars compared to 28,820 million in sales. This supposes A 19% year -on -year increase, a growth percentage lower than their rivals: 31% experienced by the Azure tool of Microsoft or 30% of Google Cloud.
Precisely, Andy Jassy, CEO of the firm, has focused his message on the “extraordinary” quarterly innovation of AWS, trying to remove iron from these numbers. Thus, Jassy has pointed out that “The benefits for our data clients, analytics and will be seen in the coming months. We are taking substantial steps to grow in this context of emerging technology. “
Taking into account the data of the benefits, it seems difficult to fit the fall of Amazon in the Afterhours. However, it is likely that the firm founded by Jeff Bezos has been weighed by the poor performance of Google Cloud, recently reported by Alphabet in its results. This factor there were already stock market sequelae on Amazon, leaving investors predisposed to sales if, as has happened, the firm minimally disappointed.
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