Desyrée is certain that Christian Sodano tried to buy time to wait for his father to return home
The details that emerge about the double crime in Cisterna di Latina, carried out by the 27-year-old are increasingly chilling Christian Sodano last Tuesday in the home of his ex-girlfriend, 22-year-old Desyrée Amato. From the latter's stories, it seems that the boy intended to exterminate her entire family, including her father, who was out working at the time.
A dramatic story that has shocked all of Italy and that is filled with increasingly chilling and macabre details with each passing day. She provided a tragically lucid account of what happened and what could have happened Desyrée Amatothe 22-year-old who miraculously managed to escape the murderous wrath of her ex-boyfriend, the 27-year-old Marshal of Finance Christian Sodano.
The girl, in addition to showing the chat with him, in which the threats and the bases with which premeditation can be considered are evident, she also explained that during those tragic moments, in which he spared her, she continued to remain there and take time even though she begged him to leave.

The reason for that wait, for that stall, for Desyrée it is now clear. He wanted to wait for her to return home his dad too and kill him too. On the other hand, as he had written to her the day before, he wanted to carry out a massacre and cause her as much pain as possible.

READ ALSO: Despicable gesture for Nicoletta and Renèe's funeral. Someone apparently opened, without the knowledge of the victims' relatives, a fundraiser that would be used for funeral expenses. In reality it was a scam.
READ ALSO: Christian Sodano's letter after the double crime. The killer, having arrived at his uncle's house in Latina, took a pen and paper and hastily wrote a few words: “I didn't want to do it, I would have given her my life.”
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