Adal Ramones in the middle of the interview broke down in tears for your friend Daniel BisognoWell, as many already know, windowing driver He is torn between life and death, since he has been in intensive care for several days, so his very shocked colleague asked for the health of the presenter who since last year has had very delicate problems that have taken him to the hospital.
According to Adal Ramones, he considers a great friend Daniel Bisognoin addition to being an excellent dad, which is why the said driver regrets everything that is happening right now. Windowingwith whom he had problems in the past, but confesses that neither of them spoke about it in front of the cameras, another of the things for which he esteems him too much as a person.
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“My wife Karla and I lived moments with Daniel and his ex-wife and we traveled, we went out, they got divorced, it was a shame but he has been a great present father…” he confessed Adal Ramones faced with the health problem he would be experiencing Daniel Bisogno who has become one of the most popular characters in Windowing for just over 20 years, where his acid sense of humor has characterized him.
“Ádal shows your intelligence and accepts reality. That friend is no longer recovering”, “Unfortunately, it is very certain that Daniel Bisogno will soon be gone! Very sad because he loves his little daughter and we hope that a miracle will happen”, “In fact Daniel Bisogno was one of those who started stand-up without realizing it in Ventaneando, he is a character, a villain”, “Poor guy, that's Daniel, he's just a human being with an uncomfortable job but that's his job, so he supports his daughter and parents.” “, write the networks.
Raquel Bigorra speaks
Raquel Bigorra is still his friend, but now a former friend of Daniel Bisogno, who has lamented the health problem for several months and that they now have him in intensive care, for which the Cuban only asked for blessings, in addition to a speedy recovery for the driver. Windowing with whom he had a long friendship for several years, but now it is over.
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