Will Ned and 'Moze' from 'Ned's Handbook' become parents? Shortly after revealing that they had sexual relations during the recordings of the remembered Nickelodeon series, Devon Werkheiser and Lindsey Shawtwo of the protagonists, published a photograph on social networks in which they announced that they would be parents in 2024. This news excited all the fans of the aforementioned fiction, who could witness how the romance of their childhood would go from the screens to the real life.
Will Devon Werkheiser and Lindsey Shaw from 'Ned's Handbook' become parents?
The aforementioned photograph was published on the social networks of Devon Werkheiserwho played Ned Bigby in 'Ned's Declassified School Survival Guide', as was the full name of the series. In this snapshot, Werkheiser appears smiling next to Shaw, who also shows his happiness, while touching her belly. The photo is accompanied by a description that says “little Ned on the way in 2024”thus igniting all those who followed the well-known fiction.
This was the photo in which Devon Werkheiser and Lindsey Shaw announced that they were going to be parents. Photo: Instagram Devon Werkheiser
Given this surprising announcement, Lindsey Shaw, who played Jennifer 'Moze' Mosley did not make any statement to confirm or deny the news; However, it would all be a joke to announce a new project, since she published several moments in her Instagram stories while they were recording.
Did Ned and 'Moze' have sex in 'Ned's Handbook'?
During a podcast episode 'Ned's Declassified Podcast Survival Guide' that both actors have together with Daniel Curtis Lee, who played 'Cookie' in 'Ned's Manual', they recounted, laughing, a peculiar moment in which Lindsey Shaw performed oral sex on her castmate. “Do you remember the first…?” said Shaw, who was immediately interrupted by Werkheiser, who replied: “What are you going to ask in this podcast?” To which she responded very determinedly: “The first oral sex.”
After the secret was revealed, Werkheiser indicated that he did remember it, but still asked Shaw if he really wanted to touch on the topic on the program. In response, the remembered 'Moze' continued saying that said moment was a failure, since after the sexual encounter, he only said “Ok, thank you” and immediately went to the bathroom to “finish his work.” This left Curtis Lee quite surprised, who only managed to laugh.
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