Although the so vaunted historical or democratic memory has contributed decisively to convert the communists from the 1930s to 1960 in Democrats of a lifetime, Reality was not only very different, but contrary.
The abuse of … Memory, which, unlike the good story, Read the past based on the ideological and political interests of the presentallows whitening or dirty consumer. Anyway, the crimes of communism at that time, of a moral or simple and plain existential type, often often in the USSR and in the rest of the world.
Alberto Sabio Alcutén -
Gutenberg Galaxy -
2024 -
544 -
24 euros
The communists were used with special viciousness with their related, alleged dissidents or exclaimed, as the famous Moscow processes or the merchant piolet in Trotsky’s head. Spain was no exception. Rereading ‘Autobiography of Federico Sánchez’, by Jorge Semprún, can be, in this sense, very illustrator. Or, also, to think about the leaders of the Marxist Unification Workers Party (POUM): murdered by Soviet agents, Andreu Nin; Fed up, vilifying another, Joaquín Maurín.
While Nin has been studied and remembered, Maurín is still somewhat unknown and forgotten. Fortunately, Alberto Sabio has just dedicated an interesting book, as a biography. Leaving behind “infamies not demonstrated” constitutes one of their objectives. The reconstruction of your life is carried out in two parts. It includes the first from birth in the Aragonese Bonansa, in 1896, until the arrival in the United States in 1947.
Installed in Barcelona and impacted by the Russian revolution, Maurín involved in revolutionary trade unionism, traveled to Moscow and held management positions in the CNT and the PCE. Uncomfortable in both experiences, he founded, in 1930, the Labor and Peasant Block (BOC) and, five years later, the POUM, a heterodox communist formation, Neither Stalinist nor Trotskyist.
Leaving behind “unproven infamies” is one of the author’s objectives
It also stood out as Marxist thinker. The 1936 uprising caught him in Galicia and had to hide. I was going to stay a decade in different prisons. He saved his life thanks to a family Cura Castrense. Without collaboration, he maintains wise, despite the communist accusations of spy of the Gestapo or Francoist agent.
After leaving prison, he decided to exile. In October 1947 he arrived in New York. The second part focuses on the American years, which were not few, ”he said in 1973 – not even uninteresting. The author contributes Many unknown data and notable evidence. Getting residence and citizenship was not easy for Maurín due to his communist past. Anyway, his evolution towards democratic socialism had already begun in jail. He created an important literary-periodistic agency, the American Literary Agency, who worked with numerous Latin American and American newspapers.
Among its main collaborators, Germán Arciniega, Alfonso Reyes, José Figueres and Miguel Ángel Asturiasas well as the exile Madariaga, Araquistáin, Gómez de la Serna, Sender and Víctor Alba. Cooperated, from his Aciestalinism and Atlantismwith the Congress for the freedom of culture and the ‘Notebooks’ magazine of Julián Gorkin, although there is no evidence of PIA payments, he assures wise with too much effort, to his agency, which maintained independence. Suggestive and pleasant reading, ‘ex -mounts …’ get, how to pretend Kracauerreturn a dead man to life: Joaquín Maurín.
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