Juana Rivas stated this Tuesday that her son Daniel, who has just turned 11, “he will continue” with her in Spain. This is what he said every time that days ago, the Investigative Court number 4 of Granada, acting as guard, provisionally suspended the restitution order that the Court of Appeal of Cagliari (Italy) had issued regarding the minor so that he could return. along with his father, Francesco Arcuri, again denounced by Rivas for alleged crimes of coercion of witnesses and threats to said son and prosecuted for it.
In a video released by the law firm that represents her, Rivas, convicted of the abduction of her two children in 2017 and partially pardoned by the Government, thanked her “friends, family and people for their support and help.” street level”. Likewise, he wanted to recognize the work of “the people who are behind the institutions and who have listened to Daniel, who needs to be helped.”
“Those good people have made this happen,” has said regarding the aforementioned decision of the Investigating Court number 4 to suspend the restitution order that the Court of Appeal of Cagliari had issued for the minor to return to Italy. “We just want to ask that Gabriel [su hijo mayor] and Daniel be heard,” he reiterated.
Rivas has sent a message of “tranquility.” “Daniel is going to continue here [en España], has really stayed”, he said, explaining that the minor turned 11 this Monday and that he hopes he continues to “have his birthday at home.” Thus, he has assured that he will maintain his “fight” so that his two children, one of them already of age and also in Spain, enjoy “a life free of violence.”
#Juana #Rivas #assures #youngest #son #remain #Spain #continue #stayed