In Paiporta, where the tragedy has left traces after DANA, new emergencies have emerged in the lives of its inhabitants. Among others, the story of Angelan old man who lost his home and who has catalyzed the spirit supportive of the community.
To help him, his neighbor Adina has decided to launch a crowdfunding campaign with the aim of providing him with the basics to rebuild his life.. “Every small donation counts and it can make a big difference in Ángel’s life,” says the creator of the campaign.
Ángel’s reality is that of many other elderly people who, without resources or the possibility of rebuilding their lives, face a tough fight for survival after the passage of DANA. Without a place to sleep, without food and without heat, each day becomes a challenge.
Meanwhile, the school Ausias March in Paiportawhere more than 700 children have been left without classrooms, also asks for help. The concern among families is palpable, and the center’s AMPA has launched a call for solidarity to rebuild the educational space. Community response is crucial; Each donation, no matter how small, represents an opportunity to restore normality and the emotional well-being of the youngest.
In another corner of the affected academic community, the Helen Doron Academy de Picanya faces an uncertain future. Its founder, Begonya, has seen her educational space devastated, forcing her to close her doors. The fight to rebuild is not just about repairing walls, but about restoring hope to the children and adolescents who depend on their education. The community has the opportunity to help in this vital cause, ensuring that learning continues.
Other urgent aid
In this line, the Cubells Farm Seville also faces its own battle after the devastating DANA. This family businesswhich has been a pillar of the local economy for generations, has been severely affected by the torrential rains. However, the resilience of the family and the support of the community have begun to weave a web of hope. The fundraising campaign launched is an opportunity for everyone to contribute to the restoration of this valuable agricultural legacy.
Lastly, the CBD Massanassaan iconic local football club, is also in an unprecedented crisis. The facilities have been practically destroyed, and the board has expressed its commitment to recovering sporting activity. The fundraising campaign they have launched seeks not only to restore the facilities, but also to revitalize the community spirit and love for the sport.
#DANAs #footprints #generate #emergencies #among #neighbors #schools #businesses #affected #areas