Sexual relations always have been limited to a context of youthsomething on which cinema has had a lot of weight. And although that representation has not changed much today, at least in Spain, The elderly arrive in better physical condition to old age and with a lifestyle very different from that of yesteryear. In the sexual field, alarms have gone off: They are relaxing regarding Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs), which they do not understand age.
This is confirmed by the National Center for Epidemiology (CNE) in its latest Report on Epidemiological Surveillance of Sexually Transmitted Infections in Spainrecently presented with data from 2023. The CNE confirms the upward trend in STDs that has been recorded in recent years in our country. This occurs especially in gonococcal infection (gonorrhea) and C. trachomatis (chlamydia), with 34,401 cases per 100,000 inhabitants in the first case, and 36,983 in the second.
Since the beginning of the 2000s, the CNE has warned of an increase in the incidence of three infections: gonorrhea (the one that has grown the most between 2021 and 2023, with 42.6 percent), syphilis and chlamydia. The three are determined by age segments, although they have in common their impact on the younger population, especially in men.
Syphilis, the STD that grows the most in the elderly
In this scenario, certainly worrying for health authorities, the CNE highlights the number of infections that has grown among over 60 years old, to the point of tripling in the last decade. In the case of this group, expert voices relate the data, among other factors, to a relaxation in the use of condoms added to the fact of have more than one sexual partner.
Regarding data by sex and age, women over 45 years (following the CNE classification) are especially represented in the case of syphiliswith the highest percentage after that of the age group between 25 and 34 years. The second largest percentage of this age group appears in the infections Chlamydia trachomatis, which debut with a small, often asymptomatic, skin lesion in the inguinal area or pelvis.
As to the male population over 45 years of age, The data in the report indicates that syphilis also concentrates the highest percentage of those affected (28.9 percent), although followed very closely by men diagnosed with lymphogranuloma venereum. There are also higher rates than in the case of women in the other two STDs analyzed: gonococcal infection and chlamydia.
CNE (2024, October 21). The growing trend of Sexually Transmitted Infections (STIs) continues in Spain in 2023. B1a-en-2023?&catId=448332&catId=651565
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