«Studies indicate that it is the increase in productivity that allows the reduction of working hours and the increase in salaries. In sectors where productivity is directly related to working time, a Imposed reduction will generate organizational imbalances and a further increase in labor costs, resulting in a decrease in productivity.” CEOE’s allegations regarding the draft law on reduction of working hours prepared by the Ministry of Labor they dismantle the ministerial mantra that the reduction of the working day will serve to improve the productivity of the economy and they deny any scientific basis: “It is not supported empirically,” says the document, to which ‘Europa Press’ has had access.
The document from the business organization estimates that in order to equate the productive performance of the Spanish economy with the European average, the monthly working day should be 41.2 hoursabove that stipulated by current regulations today.
Under this statistical reality, the business organization warns that “carrying out reductions in said working hours without very significant increases in productivity it would distance us even further from European references«.
The document transferred by CEOE to the Ministry of Labor detects “gratuitous and unrigorous” assertions in the work carried out by the department directed by Yolanda Díaz, which according to the business organization sometimes confuses the maximum working day with the agreed working day.
In this sense, it warns that the closer the maximum legal working day gets to the working day actually agreed upon in the collective agreements, the space for flexibility for companies to negotiate working conditions with the unions will disappear, which will not only condition the viability of the projects but will make the constitutional fit of the provision “more debatable.”
“To the extent that the government proposal tries to influence, not only the maximum legal working day, but rather the working day already agreed upon in the current collective agreements, the rule affects the essential core of collective bargaining,” he criticizes.
#CEOE #dismantles #Yolanda #Díazs #mantra #reducing #working #hours #improves #productivity #supported #empirically