David Sánchez Pérez-Castejón, the brother of the President of the Government, declared this Thursday as an investigator before the Badajoz judge Beatriz Biedma who attributes alleged crimes against the Public Administration, the Public Treasury, embezzlement, prevarication and influence peddling. At the hearing he denied that the position he occupies in the Badajoz Provincial Council was created for him and was awarded to him because he was the brother of the head of the Executive.
According to the version he offered in the room, he found his current public job through Google; he did not know the president of the deputation, Miguel Ángel Gallardo (also accused in the case); nor to any socialist in Badajoz. “I have no political significance beyond my family connection,” he said. This is revealed by the video of his appearance in court, to which ABC had access.
The investigator of the case, who wanted to explain to the president’s brother the reasons why he was accused, was the first to speak. And he explained that the analysis of the emails of the institution’s employees, together with the version offered by the witnesses who also testified in court the day before, showed that the creation and subsequent award of his job as coordinator of conservatory activities was not justified. «There really wasn’t that need.“said Biedma.
“Along with you, other people who had resumes very similar to yours and who had also had a relationship with conservatories participated (in the contest),” the judge continued.
«With this what I want to explain is that what is presupposed (…) is that there are indications that you have been given favorable treatment both in the creation of the position and in the allocation and, above all, Once you have taken office, the contract has been adapted not to the needs of the deputation but to your own personal needs«he stated.
Biedma also took the opportunity to remember that not working is not a crime. But he justified investigations in that sense because “it would constitute one more indication” that Pedro Sánchez’s brother “is being given favored treatment” because the contract asked him to have “exclusive dedication” and to provide his services on a regular basis. in Badajoz and, “apparently” he would not be doing it.”
What the magistrate wanted David Sánchez to understand from his “mouth” is that “what it seems is that he has been given a apparent legality “What is really hidden is a direct award of that job to you.”
To which Sánchez’s brother replied: “I appreciate you taking that bird’s eye view.” To later affirm that he knew the reasons that led him to testify in court as an investigator. «I have carefully read your documents (…). I have full knowledge of how the process is developing.”
At the hearing he explained that he found his current job at the Badajoz Provincial Council “through an internet search engine”, specifically on Google. He was looking for work on a daily basis, he said in the room, because it was not “an activity that takes a lot of time,” he explained. I did it in the mornings while drinking coffee. And he wasn’t just looking for jobs in conservatories.
Asked if he knew the president of the deputation, Miguel Ángel Gallardo, he answered: «At all. They present it to me when I have already joined the job.” He also denied knowing members of the PSOE in Badajoz. »Please note that my activity was developed outside Spain mostly. Furthermore, I have no political significance beyond my family connection.”
The statement lasted about an hour and a half and he answered questions from the magistrate, the prosecutor and his own lawyer. He did not respond to popular accusations.
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