Politics is a fight between lighting technicians, he often says. Enric Juliana. Thinking is representing data in the mind, moving that data, composing it into patterns, and obtaining new ones by deduction. We cannot think with everything we know, there is too much data. We think with whatever is active, illuminated, in our mind. It is one of the facets of propaganda: having the data that suits the propagandist illuminated in our minds and those that do not suit him unlit. The judges of the cave know this well, convinced as they are that their mission is not to apply the law with justice, but to save Spain from the Spanish. That is why they accept absurd causes for processing and delay time until any barking of MAR, headlines and talk shows, so enlightened, occupies our minds more than the death rattles of 7,291 suffocating human beings.
What happened to Errejón? What saved Spain after all Spanish languages could be used in Parliament? It had to be something big, because the implosion of the country was imminent. Does anyone remember the amnesty, do ordinary mortals know if Junqueras is in jail? Do you care about anything? So many Sánchez hanged and so many prayers in Ferraz, so many Guerra and González crawling through ultra channels, waving the Constitution like the vociferants of the end of the world wave the Bible in the streets of New York, what saved us?
The present does not last at all. Politics seems like an amnesiac succession of flashes, of abrupt microhistories that end quickly and are quickly forgotten. The lighting technicians move the lights so fast that the political speech looks like an epileptic disco stroboscope. And not only is public life lived as if it were discontinuous in time. Also horizontally. Social networks create the bubble effect that brings us together with like-minded people with such ferocity that it is like when we put two microphones together and they squeak as they reverberate. Networks increase intolerance and stimulate the audacity of fools, due to the illusion of relevance and attention they produce. Many species have resources to make individuals appear larger in combat or courtship. Mammals raise their hairs and Siamese fish display fins and gills. Now there is no moral smallness that does not want to appear bigger using the prosthesis of networks. And just as when a tooth hurts we can’t help but run our tongue over it over and over again, so on the social network we can’t stop paying attention to the squeaks that bother us. It’s not that we are masochists, it’s that we crave intensity. And they are not all the same. The depravity is maximum on the right, because they are the ones who want to ruin liberal democracy by rotting its fabric; because that is what the economic elites they represent want. There is no longer a Soviet counterpoint to fear, nothing has to be given up.
True actuality only stands out from the noise by repetition, by forming patterns with some constancy in the midst of passing stridencies. This week we saw some of those patterns. The EU is a very complex fat soup. Clashes tend to mean that in the end everyone has gained something, structures like that are not sustained, with much less fat and inertia than that of a nation, based on each negotiation leaving corpses. Grinding teeth yes, but not corpses. It was unlikely that the mess created by the PP would end with the corpse of von der Leyen or that of Weber. In the end everyone got caught. Weber kneed von der Leyen with the incorporation of two obnoxious ultras to the Commission, but she is still there and he is there. Sánchez received a kick in the shin, but one of those stable patterns remained: he carried out a tangled negotiation, as always, the PP asked for his resignation for the country, as always, and the legislature seemed on track, as always. The stridency with which the PP walks usually leaves it like a loose marble without an owner.

In any case, this other pattern of activist judges is still noticeable. The PP will continue moving ghosts about Teresa Ribera Let’s see if the case fits the machinery lawfare. Seeing the toxicity of the Supreme Court, it is logical that they try. And it is logical that they enlighten that Little Nicolás de Aldama, to see if any judge on duty sees in one of those selfies That people get hold of a famous person is an indication of a crime. Another unfortunate recognizable pattern is reproducing, which is the PP’s management of disasters: incompetence, lies and mistreatment of victims. This pattern overlaps in DANA and in the long shadow of the 7,291 human beings walled in the Ayuso residences. The only thing Ayuso does for these victims is wonder where they get the money to sue her, she doesn’t even tell us where she gets it for a million euro penthouse.
The civil rights of women and minorities are advancing, but the organized hostility against them is more ferocious (machismo, racism and homophobia are more explicit and vociferous). And at the same time social inequality skyrockets. This week, in fact, another important pattern was touched, thick, slow and tenacious. It came out regarding tax reform. It is that process by which money goes from the humble and the middle classes to the rich and the rich and their interests are above democracy and their governments. It is the process by which wealth creation is intended to make the rich richer. Poverty is not reaching subsistence and well-being is what stands out from subsistence. Poverty increases and the middle class, which has well-being, is diluted because wealth accumulates in few hands. Well-being is not excellence: it is the fair participation in national wealth. Poverty is an emergency. Subsistence is an injustice. And well-being is a right. And let us remember that rights are rights because they are universal, otherwise they would be privileges. This week we saw the kid gloves with which we must handle the taxation of energy companies, large companies and banks. We saw that, increasingly, the governments that we put in place with our votes do not rule in what affects us most. And that slow and tenacious magma advances towards the point where they are directly the ones who set up and remove governments. In the last legislature, when the wars skyrocketed the electricity and fuel bill, the legitimate Government of the Kingdom begged the energy companies for a bit of containment, while they emptied swamps. Now that is a failed state.
Although it may seem otherwise, the small vaudeville of The Revolt and The Anthill. With the brilliant idea of showing twenty minutes of little animals, Broncano denounced the coercion that Pablo Motos and his entourage imposed on the guests of The Revoltsevere enough to make a guest have to unsubscribe almost at the time of broadcast. The episode reminds us of one of those things that we should not forget: capitalism, companies, do not want free competition nor believe in it. Companies that compete do so because they are not powerful enough. Technological, energy, banking and food companies put pressure and entangle not to compete. Does Amazon really want free competition? Competition only serves to justify the losses of the little ones. When we talk about the greats, we are not talking about competition but about freedom. Competition is for bookstores, freedom is for Amazon. Pablo Motos is only a model of what the millionaire Buffet reminded us: his secretary pays more taxes than him and “the class struggle exists and we are winning.” The PSOE must be pragmatic and look around: either the humble and middle classes feel that they improve with the left or the extreme right will govern because the progressives will be insufferable do-gooders. Social justice was never just a matter of politics. It always involved struggle. We must not go towards the center, but move the center towards the social majorities. Between disappearing drowned in the sewer of the extreme right and the confrontation with the oligarchies, the pragmatic thing is the confrontation.
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