This Wednesday the commemoration events began for the 50th anniversary of the death of Francisco Franco and, for that reason, Wyoming decided to ‘chat’ with the dictator in the section 50 years are nothing of The Intermediate.
“How is Caudillo doing?”the presenter asked his ‘guest’ to start the conversation. “I come to give you good news, you are in a good moment, and neither PP nor Vox, which represent almost half of Congress, have not attended the events.”
“Also, lately they have been giving him gifts, like the beautiful words that the VOX deputy Manuel Mariscal dedicated to him“, noted the Madrid native while giving way to the video where the politician was seen saying that Franco’s regime “was a stage of reconstruction, progress and reconciliation.”
“He said it in Congress, not out there arguing with some colleagues…” Wyoming ‘explained’ to Franco. “The thing is you are succeeding in social networks“he added.
The presenter highlighted that Mariscal was not the only one who spoke well of the dictator: “Look at how we are, according to the polls, one in four young men prefers authoritarianism to democracy“said the Madrid native.
“You have left your mark… the kids want an egg from youthe only one who has… think that you are lucky, in other countries it is unthinkable that there is no political unity against the figure of a bloodthirsty dictator,” said the host of the La Sexta program.
To conclude the section 50 years are nothingWyoming ‘told’ his bench mate that “You are a trend, if I came back now, I think I would hit it like influencer“.
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