dark matter
A team of researchers from the University of California affirm that what we see is nothing more than an illusion of the past because our brain is too slow to process in real time all the enormous amount of information and visual stimuli that it continuously receives.
The brain does not show us the latest image it is receiving in real time but rather an earlier and already processed version of that image. And how long does it take for the brain to update all the information to the latest one? Well, around 15 seconds.
This so-called “change blindness” is not a physical mechanism but a natural mechanism that the brain does voluntarily, to avoid information overload. Without this ability, we would see the world as a series of discontinuous frames, similar to a movie with abrupt cuts. A discontinuous reality. It would be a strange and maddening world. To avoid this, the brain builds that continuity that we see with images that it has already processed in the past.
All episodes of “Dark Materials” can be found on the main audio platforms, such as Spotify, Ivoox, Apple Podcasts, Amazon Musicand We could. They are also available in YouTube.
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