The arteriesas we all know, are used to transport blood from the heart to the body periphery or lungs. In general, arteries are distinguished from elastic type (for example the aorta, the arteries near the heart) and muscular type (most arteries).
Apparently, arteries that are considerably decreasing in size carry blood to arterioles and, finally, to the blood capillaries, where the complex exchange of nutrients and gases between blood and all tissues.
Unfortunately, once our arteries become clogged No There are natural means to clean them. These become ‘dirty’, the result of a disease called ‘arteriosclerosis’, quite common in our population and a consequence of a lifestyle precisely not healthy.
“The cause of arteriosclerosis is not known. We know that there are risk factors that condition or facilitate arteriosclerosis, but there are people who do not have these risk factors and develop the disease; and vice versa, there are patients who have risk factors and do not develop it“said the doctor Antonio Álvarez-Vieitezin ‘Infosalus‘.
To take into account
Although there are genetic factors, in addition to age and sex, that we cannot modify, there are other very important ones in which we can influence. These are:
- Eat a balanced diet. It can play a role in improving heart health and reducing the risk of plaque buildup. A balanced heart diet contains many good fats and low amounts of bad fats.
- move more. Physical activity can improve our cardiovascular health and helps prevent heart problems.
- Lose weight. When we move more and eat better, the natural result is likely to be weight loss. Carrying extra weight increases LDL cholesterol.
- quit smoking. Helps raise your HDL levels.
- Stop drinking alcohol. It can seriously affect our heart.
- Medications. If lifestyle changes are not enough, our doctor may prescribe medications to help lower LDL and prevent plaques.
- Have low cholesterol. Helps remove other types of cholesterol from the body, reducing the risk of arterial blockage and heart disease
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