“He is morally and ethically incapable of reconstruction.” That is the cry that devastated the center of Valencia, in a demonstration, a month after the DANA devastated the province of Valencia, leaving 222 dead and four missing.
The demonstration started this afternoon after six in the afternoon from the Plaza del Ayuntamiento of Valencia to demand the resignation of the ‘president’ of the Generalitat, Carlos Mazón, with the slogan ‘Mazón resigned’. “The reality is that, A month later, our towns and cities continue to be destroyed. “This Government is morally and ethically incapable of carrying out the reconstruction that they sell.”has maintained Anna Oliver, one of the co-spokespersons of the social entitiesin statements to the media before starting the march.
He explained that, After the “multitudinous and historic” concentration on November 9, they have once again called for people to take to the streets because Mazón made an appearance in Les Corts that, in his opinion, “was embarrassing”. “He did not apologize, he did not give any reasonable explanation for what had happened and he only sold smoke,” he reproached. “They are the government of destruction, they are the militarized government, the government that sHe is only giving money to companies punished and linked to corruption cases. We do not want them to lead the reconstruction and return to normality of the people who are abandoned in towns and cities.“he maintained.
Another of the co-spokespersons, Alexandra Usóregretted that, a month after the tragedy, the people “continue as if we were in the third world” and has reported that “Aid has not arrived” while people “are suffering”. For this reason, they ask “that the Mazón government and Mr. Mazón in particular be held accountable.”
Mar Cardona, also co-spokesperson, has denounced the “militarization of the civil government” in the Consell and has valued the “self-organization” of society to mobilize in demonstrations like the one this Saturday, as well as with solidarity with affected municipalities.
“In honor of the 222 victims, the four people who are still missing, the thousands of people who have lost their jobs and their homes, “The Valencian people will not stop until we have dignity, justice and reparation.”the co-spokespersons have asserted.
During the march, chants such as ‘Mazón resigns’, ‘The ‘president’ to Picassent’, ‘Mazón, murderer’, ‘Mazón dinava, el poble s’ofegava’ –‘Mazón ate, the people drowned’– or ‘No són morts, són assassinats’ –‘They are not dead, they are murders’–. Likewise, the protesters carry signs that read slogans such as ‘Mazón, resign’ with a black ribbon as a sign of mourning and a photo of Mazón face down; ‘Mazón to the prisoner’, ‘Corrupt elite’ or ‘Don’t let them go unpunished. We ask that they pay for it in jail. Justice’, also accompanied by a black ribbon.
Posters with the names of all the municipalities in which fatalities have been found and the number of people who died in each locality. The demonstration was led by a 112 worker, a teacher, an affected businesswoman from Algemesí, an affected resident of Picassent, a resident of Albal, Josep Maria Tarazona – from the Institut d’Estudis Comarcals -, a teacher, a memorialist and professor to Catarroja and another affected person.
The route, which began around 6:15 p.m., crossed the center of the Turia capital until ending in the Mare de Déu square, where The reading of a manifesto is planned, given the security reports that have prevented the march from ending in Plaza Manises, in front of the Palau de la Generalitat.
To the city of Valencia People have moved from the areas affected by the storm to join the protest. Some affected people have organized to attend the march from their municipalities with boots in tribute to the deceased. In addition to the event in Valencia, another demonstration has been called in Elche (Alicante).
The demonstration has been called by 58 entities and another 158 have joined. Among those promoting this march are civic and social entities such as Acció Cultural del País Valencià -Amical de Mauthausen – Arran-SEPC-COS-Endavant – Arrels del Canvi – Assemblea de Barri de Montolivet – BEA- Benicalap Viu – Ca Bassot – Ca Revolta – CNT València – Ciutat-Port Commission – Coordinator of the Democratic Memory Associations of the Valencià Country – Decidim- Platform for the right to decide in the Valencià Country – Entrebarris – Escola Valenciana – FAMPA València – Intersindical Valenciana – Joves d’ACPV – JovesxRussafa – LAMBDA – Plataforma 14 d’abril per la Republic – Societat Coral El Micalet – Teixint Patraix – Cultural Association És País Valencià.
#Valencia #cries #Mazón #management #DANA #morally #ethically #incapacitated