Da The German football league (DFL) decided on Monday about the distribution of the Bundesliga TV and the distribution pillar “Interest” is still taken into account with only three percent, urgently must be remembered again and the incident with the backpack . Many football fans will still remember the story from 2015: Knäbel, then sports director of Hamburger SV, left confidential documents such as player contracts, salary lists and scouting reports in the park. A woman found the backpack and was rejected at the Brüks office in Hamburg when she wanted to give him back to the owner. The “breakdown HSV” (Picture) Sub -accompanied himself again and produced one with alleviation, Sautliche history. But everyone wanted to know what was going on again in the Volkspark. Whether this affects the team’s performance. What Knäbel has to say about his defense. And so a lot of people switched on the television the following weekend.
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