Throughout history, many video game They managed to become true icons of the medium and even have fans always waiting for their next installment. However, we also find occasions where beloved titles or sagas make blunders that take them from the peak of success to the lower hells of fan contempt.
With this in mind, today we bring you this top 5 with the worst falls from grace in video games, with some that show that from above there is a risk of a great fall.
The games that declined the most in popularity
Number 5 – Helldivers 2 went from the most loved video games of 2024 to one of the most hated
Of course we can’t leave one of the most recent scandals off this list. After all, Helldivers 2 went from one of the most beloved video games of 2024 to one of the most hated in record time. There is nothing wrong with the game itself, in fact many consider it quite fun. However, PlayStation had the brilliant idea of making it mandatory to link a PlayStation Network account on PC or it wouldn’t let you play.
Of course that didn’t sit well with players, especially those who have no way to make an account, so their ratings on Steam took a horrendous drop. In just a few hours they went from love to hate with more than 10,000 negative reviews and although PlayStation already aborted its decision, it left the reputation of Helldivers 2 quite affected. We’ll see if it recovers.
Number 4 – The Last of Us
When the first The Last of Us was released in 2013, it won the praise of both critics and the public. It felt well deserved to be considered one of the best video games of the generation and history. However, when the sequel arrived, the decline of The Last of Us as a much-loved IP it began. All because of its story decisions and the lies in its trailers before release.

As if this were not enough, PlayStation has already grabbed these two games as its cash cow and wants to squeeze them until they can’t take it anymore with re-release after re-release after re-release. Even the biggest fan of Joel and Ellie’s odyssey will agree that it was too much and even Naughty Dog’s reputation is already questionable after being a much-loved studio.
Number 3 – Multiversus shows us how unpredictable video games can be
Many video games have tried to be the Smash Killer, that is, the one that could surpass or equal Nintendo’s success with Super Smash Bros. For a moment Multiversus He seemed like the right one to carry that name. Its beta phase was very well received by fans thanks to its entertaining combats, its good cast of characters with fighters like Batman, Shaggy, Rick and Morty. It even won the Game Award for best fighting game in 2022.

However, they shot themselves in the foot by stopping adding content, charging excessive prices for new characters, and finally shutting it down for almost two years. Now it is preparing its return, but we are not sure that it will have the success of its original release. Especially since the players will already be very careful, because they don’t know when Warner goes crazy and cancels the game again no matter how much we spend on it.
Number 2 – Silent Hill
Back in the nineties and early 2000s you couldn’t talk about survival horror without mentioning its greatest representatives: Resident Evil and Silent Hill. While the Capcom saga fell to rock bottom and then rose like a phoenix from the ashes, Konami continues to make bad decision after bad decision with Silent Hill even though it is one of its most popular sagas.

For years fans asked for his return and for a moment hope shone. After all, Konami announced several video games on the way, including a remake of Silent Hill 2, its most beloved entry. Unfortunately these projects have gone from bad to terrible and even fans are no longer as excited about the Silent Hill 2 remake after a couple of trailers that make it look like a low-budget game. It seems that all we will have left of this gem of survival horror and psychological terror is our good memories of the classics.
Number 1 – Halo went from the biggest phenomenon in video games to a mere shadow
If they were alive to see the release of the original trilogy of Halo They won’t let us lie when we say that it was a global video game phenomenon. Not for nothing did it become Xbox’s flagship saga. The sales of Halo 2 broke multiple records and the excitement of ‘finishing the fight’ in Halo 3 It was felt in every corner. Unfortunately, since 2007, the good Master Chief has not caused the same emotion.

Halo 4 was a good game and showed potential to be the start of a decent trilogy, but then Halo 5 came along and everything went down the drain. Fans’ hopes later turned to Halo Infinite which promised to be the breath of fresh air that the franchise needed. However, they received what feels like an unfinished campaign, with very little content and a multiplayer that struggles to stay alive. There is no doubt that nothing remains of what the Halo phenomenon was. They went from the most important saga in video games to one that, according to rumors, could even make its way to other platforms. Oh, how the great have fallen!
Of course there are other games that have declined in popularity, but these were the ones that in our opinion suffered the most due to how big they became. What did you think of our top? What other games do you think fell a lot in popularity? Tell us in the comments.
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