Although WhatsApp has not stopped introducing changes and improvements to its app throughout 2024, everything seems to indicate that in 2025 the company owned by Meta will not take its foot off the accelerator, and with the aim of remaining the app of number one messaging in the world with almost 3,000 million registered users, this platform has many new features prepared for the next 12 months.
While it is true that it is early to know with certainty all the changes that WhatsApp will host throughout 2025, it is true that due to leaks, discoveries and the evolution of the app’s tools itself we can get an idea of some of the functions that will soon arrive on our mobile phones.
Goodbye to phone numbers
Although to create a WhatsApp account the essential requirement is to have a phone number, little by little and due to the rise of cybercrime, the app is transitioning towards eliminate the need for a phone number to start a conversation.
Our number is something private and something that cybercriminals can exploit to scam you, so by 2025 WhatsApp is going to enter custom usernames. The truth is that they have already been available as an option since last year, but for this year they will become the norm.
That is, instead of our phone number being the letter of introductionit will be a username, in the same way as it is on other social networks such as Instagram or X.
Artificial Intelligence in your chats
AI has already established itself as the technology of the moment, and although it has already reached the rest of the world, WhatsApp AI is not yet available in Spain and the rest of the EU for security and privacy reasons. Although we thought that Meta would have already solved this last year, in the end everything indicates that it will be in the first months of this new year that said AI will reach our WhatsApp accounts.
Receive messages from other applications to WhatsApp
Interoperability between applications is one of the requirements of the EU Digital Services Law, and Meta, as one of the guardians, has to comply with it, so starting in March 2025 You can receive and send messages to your WhatsApp contacts from Telegram or Messenger or vice versa.
More customization
Finally, for this year it is expected that the app will receive new customization functions such as fadvanced filters for photos and videoshe Retouch Mode for video calls or Low Light Modewhich optimizes visibility in low-light video calls.
#anticipated #functions #coming #WhatsApp