A little over a year ago Julia Wendell (also known as Julia Faustyna or Julia Wandelt) declared in an interview with the BBC that he regretted having left the media saying that it was Madeleine McCannthe minor of three years missing in 2007 in Portugal. “I never wanted to hurt anyone, including McCann. I just want to know who I am,” he said then. And it seems that now the young woman would be closer to undo the puzzle despite the fact that the police came to say that there was no coincidences.
After closing his Instagram account, where he published comparative images with the famous girl, now Wendell, who is 23 years oldit has opened Another profile where he has decided to reveal the results of some DNA analysis in which it would be checked that is Madeleine and in which Madeleine’s parents refused to participate. Apparently, a person who has not revealed the identity would have Compared Wendell’s genetic profile with DNA found in Praia’s room da Luz where the girl disappeared. In addition, according to this DNA analysis, Wendell would be of British and Irish and non -Polish origin.
Thus, the final report says that the young woman has 69.23% of genetic coincidences with Gerry McCann, which would be “a perfect coincidence between father and son”, and strongly states that the young woman would be the daughter of the father of the missing child . “Scientific evidence He firmly supports that McCann could be Julia’s biological father“, says the document. Something that would have been endorsed by Monte Miller, a” worldwide expert “in genetics.
According to a Miller email that the young woman has also published in networks, both DNA “coincide quite well, more than what would expect randomly, so a specific pattern that looks like a family connection Almost safe. “In addition, the young woman also makes public the opinion of another expert, Surjit Singh Clair, who would endorse that both the eyes, teeth and voice of the girl coincide with those of the young woman.
Since Madeleine’s disappearance in 2007, the case has not been exempt of controversies and theories Because the child was never found. Wendell’s hypothesis did not go unnoticed in 2023, when it came out in all media worldwide, even leading the Polca Police and also the British to investigate her case.
Wendell, of Polish origin and now is 23 years oldannounced through Tiktok and Instagram that she was Madeleine McCann. In his profiles he began publishing several images in which he compared his appearance with that of the missing girl, highlighting coincidences that, in his opinion, are indications to demonstrate that both are the same person. But the truth is that The age of this young woman does not fitsince Madeleine would currently have 21. From the beginning, Wendell says she is adopted and has tried, without success, to obtain a copy of her birth certificate, so, according to her story, her official age may not correspond to her real age.
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