The victims of the Dana announce complaints for reckless homicide and will appear in the causes already open

The SOS Disappeared Association announced this Friday coordinated legal actions, on behalf of several affected families, against different public administrations that intervened in the tragic events that occurred during the October DANA, 2024, which left more than 200 fatal victims in the provinces of Valencia and Albacete. Although these legal actions are not directed against any particular person, they have pointed out as main responsible for the tragedy to Carlos Mazón himself, which they expect the Catarroja judge, in which they have deposited all their confidence, call to declare; and also Emilio Argüeso, autonomous emergency secretary, among others.

“Let’s go for all. Everything that happened causes pain and shame, ”he said in a press conference in Madrid Joaquín Amils, president of the Association, which offers free legal advice and assistance to more than 140 relatives of 70 fatalities of the Dana.

As reported at a press conference, members of the association’s directive, together with their technical and legal team – ordered by the lawyer Juan Manuel Medina -, next Monday they will present in the players of Letur and Catarroja “complaints for reckless homicides” that will be aimed at claiming criminal responsibilities for the “disastrous management” they carried out during those days the authorities that had competences. The event has been attended by relatives of disappeared and affected by the floods. Some have not been able to break into crying when taking the floor, like a woman who lost her husband and her son, who in the broken voice has assured that “she no longer believes in politicians.”

Rosa and Encarna, who have spoken as spokesmen of these families “with the heart and from rage”, have been more forceful and have directly asked Mazón to “leave their comfort and resign area.” “Not everything is not worth it should not last until July 13, which ends the legislature, resigns, asks for forgiveness and salt through the door of shame,” they have thrown. “If the Valencians put you there, we can also take away. Mazón resignation, ”said Encarna, while taught the shirt in which he has reproduced the face of his brother who died in Cheste (Valencia) in the Dana.

“The fight has begun after months of work,” said the president of the association, Joaquin Amils, who has been the first to intervene. “On October 29 you have to mark a before and after for Spanish and Valencian society,” he added.

As he said, it was on November 17, almost a month after the tragedy, when they decided to take legal actions “against all those who made mistakes”, which derived in what they consider “possible reckless homicides.” “From that moment we were clear that we had the duty to do justice.” “We are going to defend truth and justice,” Amils said.

After him, the expert of the cause, Chema Gil, has taken the floor, who has not hesitated to affirm that all those affected in the floods “were abandoned by public administrations.” Gil explained the difficulties that have been found to do his job. “We have encountered absolute opacity and Omertá of local admiration and the Generalitat Valenciana ”. He has also denounced that they have proven that although the municipalities have the obligation to have a technical professional service “did not have it and were inoperative” during those key days.

“The Generalitat has starred in a disaster and a fudge. It has demonstrated such level of neglect that many of those deaths should have been avoided, ”the expert lamented. As he said, “at 8 in the morning there were enough reasons to have launched the alert” but this, however, “was sent at eight o’clock at night.” “The law obliges the President of the Generalitat to assume all the powers before the emergency.” “Neither ventorro nor any excuse, the president of the Generalitat had the obligation to be in the Cecopi,” said Gil, who has remarked that the expert exam they have made “demonstrates a de facto story and the amount of information that already existed from very early on that day 29.” But the Generalitat says there was a silence. There wasn’t, ”he said.

In the opinion of the representatives of the Association “The Valencian Community left many families abandoned and with their laziness let many people die.” Despite everything, they regret that “nobody is assuming responsibilities.” “We must learn lessons that we must apply in the future,” they have asked for

The announced measures include the personation as a private accusation before the Court of First Instance and Instruction No. 3 of Catarroja, in which they will demand criminal and civil responsibility for the deaths that occurred. They will also submit an expert report detailing all negligence and failures in management by public administrations in Valencia. And the practice of instruction proceedings to clarify the facts will also be requested.

#victims #Dana #announce #complaints #reckless #homicide #open

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