The public company that manages the ITV stations, Sitvaladds all types of accounting and administrative irregularities as revealed by the examination of the Audit Office of the Generalitat Valenciana, which has refused to issue an opinion on its annual accounts for the last year, the first in which it took over the activity after the reversion of the private stations, given the number of incidents detected and the impossibility of being able to value them without a sufficient basis.
The audit report of the supervisory body justifies eight big questions that denial of the opinion and also details nineteen significant breaches of applicable regulations to the public company that mainly affect the personnel and hiring areas.
Among the fundamental reasons why the opinion is denied is the information on the company’s assets and their valuation, which is pending for the Generalitat to assign the ITV station facilities to Sitval. Therefore, its terms and whether “they will have any significant effect on the accounting carried out” are unknown, according to the Audit Office. The reversal of concessions It precisely occurred on February 24 and March 4, 2023, as the Botà nic Government had approved.
Furthermore, he points out that he has detected errors in these appraisals, in which Sitval has recorded the value of the right to use ITV stations for 161 million eurosusing as counterpart the accounts of “Subsidies, donations and legacies received”, for 130 million euros, and “Deferred tax liabilities”, for 30.1 million. “He value of the right of use has been taken from the report issued by a private company that he hired for the purpose. In reviewing this valuation report We have verified that this amount is incorrect, well it includesto Riba-roja ITV station for 6,264,616 euroswhich is not property of the Generalitat but rather is used on a lease basis“says the report.
Besides, There is also no evidence that the company has carried out an impairment test. as of December 31, 2023, so we do not know if any amount should be recorded for this concept.
Personnel and recruitment
The control of personnel costs is another reason for the decision of the Audit Office as it did not have “documentary evidence of the result of the process followed to identify and determine the specific number of subrogated labor personnel.” Furthermore, he points out that Sitval has requested, but has not obtained, the favorable reports from the competent departments provided for in the Budget Law of the Generalitat for the fiscal year 2023. “The non-issuance of these reports implies, according to said law, that they are unfavorable and, therefore, that Sitval’s remuneration agreements are null and void“recalls the supervisory body.
Among the irregularities detected, it also mentions that the personnel audit carried out by the IVACE determines that 115 of the 182 hiring of personnel in the last three years of validity of the concessions did not have authorization from the Generalitatas established by the regulations.
Regarding contracting, in the review of a sample of non-minor contracts formalized during 2023, various non-compliance has been revealed in two of them that are detailed in the Report.
Regarding the minor contracts, inspected, it points out that in four of them we have not been provided with the documentation of the files, and in fourteen signs of improper division of contracts are observed.
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