There is no way, says a hit song. And it’s true: there is no way. It is impossible to take one’s feet out of the stinking dunghill into which the first opposition party, the PP of Alberto Núñez Feijóo, a moderate politician, has turned public life, his exegetes proclaimed before his arrival by parachute to Madrid, along with his gloomy traveling companion, Santiago Abascal, the leader of that Vox, without whose seats Feijóo will never be president. Never, ever, forget this truth burned into our foreheads. The PP will ally with Vox, yes or yes. Especially when the winds blow in their favor in Europe and America, where the extreme right rides uncontrollably in the face of the cowardice of all. We will see later how much and how powerful help they receive. But let’s stay at this beginning with understanding that track full of filth, tons of filth poured on purpose, add more dirt, don’t stop, that the more disgusting and filthy our pigsty is, the better we function in it, accustomed as we are to bathing in our scab. So much mud, so much mud that they have had to endure in Valencia, poor people, to whom the PP has still not even deigned to apologize for the outrages of its Valencian president and his useless collaborators. They even muddied it.
How can we ensure that in this viscous broth, gripping like childish slime, a sensible discussion can arise about the proposals that have been brought to the Socialist Congress of Seville? Trapped as we are in the miseries to which the right has led us, we do not know how to attack all the challenges that we have in front of us as a country, the savage alienation of the opposition taking out the scythe at any issue that goes beyond its usual filth. And its media, surpassing any line of decency. Education, taxes, climate change, public or private healthcare, relations with the Church, etc., etc. Not even the financing of Catalonia, an omnipresent issue in recent months, seems to motivate them. Kick out Sanchez, kick out Sanchez. Everything revolves around a chicken flight of very low height, no important issue penetrates the social body and thus we are, submerged, clouded by filth and tied to the agenda of some heartless people.
#cheek #priests #secular