Victor Sharrah had always been a person with good vision; However, as reported CNBC Newsfor no apparent reason, this man He began to see people with their ears, noses and mouths stretched back.He also noted that they had deep furrows on their forehead, cheeks and chin.
According to the aforementioned media, Sharrah He thought he had woken up in a demonic world and the experience was terrifying, but upon consulting with specialists, The diagnosis was prosopometamorphopsia or PMO, a rare neurological disorder.
Faces are distorted by the disease.
The second option was a head injury at age 43. According to the study, MRIs showed a lesion on the left side of her brain.
What is prosopometamorphopsia, the disorder that makes the face look like a demon?
According to the organization specialized in the subject, Prosopometamorphopsia Face Blind, facial processing depends on a complex network of brain regions, and lDysfunction within this network can produce a wide variety of facial processing deficits.
This way, When faces or parts of faces are perceived as distorted, the condition is known as prosopometamorphopsia. “Prosopo” comes from the Greek word prosopon for face, while “metamorphopsia” refers to distortions of perception.
According to specialists, lMost cases last only a few days or weeks., but some cases perceive distortions for years. There have been about 75 published case reports of people with PMO, so the condition appears to be quite rare.
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