Alberto Sánchez, a 32-year-old Spaniard known as the Sales Cannibal for killing and eating his mother, asks the authorities that he should spend the rest of his sentence in a psychiatric center, and not in prison, as he has been doing since his death. arrest, in February 2019. He was sentenced in 2021 to 15 years and 5 months in prison for the death and desecration of the corpse.
What he maintains now, in a handwritten letter to which ABC has had access, is that he be classified as mentally ill, something that was rejected by the experts at the oral hearing. His current lawyer, Julen Martínez, from Valmaseda Abogados, explains to this newspaper how serious it would be if when Alberto begins to have permits (something that would not take long to happen, since he has served more than a third of his sentence) he commits another atrocity.
«This person should not be in prison, but in a mental health center. There is a danger that when he goes out on the street he will commit another crime,” says Martínez. «This case has not been handled as it should be. “He is a person with a significant mental illness,” insists the criminal, who intends to prove that the prisoner may suffer from an illness such as schizophrenia that led him to commit the acts of 2019 and for which he should be subject to continuous monitoring in a place specialized, as happened, for example, with Dr. Noelia de Mingo.
Alberto Sánchez himself, in the handwritten letter, defines his situation like this: «I suffered a temporary mental derangement motivated by the consumption of cannabis and I did not live reality as it is, but was delirious and had psychosis and paranoia. Furthermore, I ended up doing to my mother what the voices told me and what I saw in my visual hallucinations. He could have continued using drugs during the six years he has been in prison.
The events were discovered in February 2019, when the Police called the family home in La Guindalera following the trail of María Soledad Gómez, 66 years old. The young man opened the door for them and said: “My mother is dead. “It’s in there.” But what the agents found was a much more dire scenario than they expected.
The young man killed his mother between January 27 and February 21, 2019, dismembered her and, for at least fifteen days, ate the cadaverous remains. He also gave a portion to his dog. He had a multitude of ‘tuppers’ in the house with parts of the mother’s body.
The Fifth Section of the National Court did not appreciate the incomplete defense or qualified mitigation of mental alteration, which the defense alleged, when the events under prosecution took place. “Neither from the documentary evidence in the record nor from the statements of the witnesses who testified during the oral trial, has it been proven that the accused suffered a psychological alteration that would make it difficult for him to correctly process the general information that would determine an alteration. “serious loss of awareness of reality in such a way as to nullify their volitional and cognitive faculties,” the ruling states.
In short, it was not considered proven that he suffered from any psychotic break at the time of the crime. The decision was also made unanimously by the popular jury at the beginning of May 2019.
In addition to the prison sentence, the convicted person had to compensate his brother in 60,000 euros for the murder of his mother, María Soledad.
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