The Popular Party wants to get ahead of the Government and is preparing a summit between its leader, Alberto Núñez Feijóo, and its regional presidents for this weekend. The meeting, which will be held in Asturias, will be “exceptional” and seeks to develop “a proposal at all levels, from the local to the national, including the regional level,” according to what the party spokesperson, Borja Sémper, indicated this Monday. after the Steering Committee of the Popular Party.
“We will discuss the legislative reforms that are necessary at the national level and we will agree on the measures that can be applied where the Popular Party governs,” explained Sémper. Specifically, from Genoa they point out that “measures and modifications, far-reaching reforms, are urgently needed to eradicate the bureaucratic hell that the current urban planning process entails.” “The solution is to build more homes and not to intervene in the market,” the spokesperson indicated.
The star measure of the popular For this weekend in Asturias it will be that “local and regional administrations offer public land, currently for use, to convert it into residential land” and be able to build “affordable housing, especially for young people”, through public-private collaboration processes. Endowment lands are those classified for public uses of any type, such as streets, hospitals, schools or parks.
Genoa’s idea is to bring “concrete proposals” to the regional parliaments. It will be easy to approve them in those communities where it governs with an absolute majority -Andalusia, Madrid, Galicia and La Rioja-, although after the departure of Vox the rest will have to negotiate with the extreme right these measures with which Feijóo’s people seek a “unity of market from regional collaboration and administrative simplification in everything that has to do with housing management.”
In the absence of the fine print of this measure and others with which the PP wants to “offer an alternative to the Government’s bad policies”, the popular ones also want to take their proposals to Congress. “We presented a conciliation law, we were able to partially move forward with a common Evau – which was finally reduced to a common structure and the same correction criteria – and we are going to continue focusing our efforts on economic measures”, focused mainly on “ lower taxes,” said Sémper, who has opened an agreement with the PNV, but also with Junts.
“There would be more to go,” said the PP spokesperson, asked about the possibility of an alternative majority on housing issues in the Lower House. “At President Feijóo’s investiture, in which we were not able to invest him as president, he committed to trying to move forward with our measures with the support of all parliamentary groups. If there are parliamentary groups willing to approve measures with the PP to alleviate this problem, we will explore those avenues,” said Sémper, who has excluded Bildu.
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