The last report of the Civil Guard reveals that the State Attorney General did not talk to anyone outside the Prosecutor’s Office on the night of March 13, when an email from Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s couple was leaked for which Álvaro García Ortiz is charged . The agents of the Central Operational Unit have certified that on that March night only one journalist called the Attorney General and that he did not pick up the phone when he was talking at that time, in full informative crisis, with the provincial prosecutor of Madrid. In addition, the call attempt occurred 20 minutes before García Ortiz had access to the emails.
“There is no call, or attempt to communicate with this terminal, except for this, outside the scope of the Prosecutor’s Office throughout the afternoon/night in which these events take place,” explains the Civil Guard report. The only call with a registered means of communication is March 8 with a telephone corresponding to the Editor of the Reason. The agents explain that they have not been able to find WhatsApp messages prior to October 16, 2024, the date on which the proceedings were opened in the Supreme.
That failed call from a SER chain journalist on the night of March 13 occurs at 9:38 p.m. own email. In full informative crisis and while the prosecutor’s dome tried that the prosecutor of the case, which was in a football match, urgently sent all the documentation.
Judge Hurtado sent to the Central Operating Unit (UCO) of the Civil Guard to register the offices of the Attorney General and the Provincial Prosecutor of Madrid last October, the first diligence that aimed to intervene its phones and any message or email or email related to the case of Isabel Díaz Ayuso’s couple. In the case of the provincial prosecutor, Pilar Rodríguez, the agents collected enough communications to prepare the key report of the case, but on the attorney general they discovered that there was no message.
The instructor then launched a battery of proceedings aimed at discovering whether on those days of March 2024 the attorney general had maintained communications related to the case and participated, in some way, in the filtration of the mail with the confession of Alberto González Amador . One of them, in addition to trying to recover the messages deleted after changing the phone with the cause already underway, was to ask the telephone companies the call of calls.
The Attorney General, in his appearance before the judge, denied having participated in any type of filtration on the cause of González Amador and even specified that he was still examining the material when on the night of March 13 some media began to publish that the businessman had offered a pact to the Prosecutor’s Office. The analysis of the UCO of his calls show that between March 8 and 14 only a journalist, of the SER chain, called and without establishing contact with the attorney general.
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