The bullfighter Arturo Macías is in intensive care after suffering a goring in the lung


Bullfighter Arturo Macias

Arturo Macías suffered a goring


Twitter: @ArturoMaciasOF

Arturo Macías suffered a goring

The bullfighter assured on his social networks that it hurts to breathe, speak and move.

He Bullfighter Arturo Macías did not have the best performance in his participation in the San Marcos Fair in Aguascalientessince he suffered a goring in the bullfight on April 30.

Macías had already dodged ‘Cayito’s’ horn on several occasions, however, one ended up inside the lung.

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The action caused him to fall in the ring and the bull turned him on again, but he was not hurt this time.

The bullfighter used his social networks to report his state of health, where he specified the severity of the goring. While he appreciated the messages of support from the public.

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“He suffered a penetrating injury to the chest at the right subaxillary level in the posterior axillary line due to a bull’s horn, in the hospital emergency room a right lung contusion is shown,” the medical report reads.

“Today very sore, it has been a sad and difficult day; It hurts to breathe, speak or move, I’m still in intensive care. Thank you for your messages of support!” Macías said.


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