It has passed like a real hurricane through the program ‘El Diario de Jorge’ (Telecinco), where Jorge Javier Vázquez has said goodbye to the year by bringing together on set the most notable characters of the last 12 years. ‘Frikismo’ in its purest form on the Telecinco set, in the Mediaset facilities, with special attention to “the queen of the chonis”, as Vázquez has presented her. On stage, “brillicani”, who has arrived with a model up to the occasion and dancing, giving her all in this last space of 2024. Rocío Rosado has thus been one of the most remembered guests of ‘El Diario de Jorge’ and Today he has shown why. “I have had imitators and be careful that girls name their dolls after me, the ‘brillicanis’,” she commented with Jorge Javier Vázquez. He has told him that being on set has “changed his life.” Since everyone has come, they know me, they recognize me in the town, really. And in what sense? How has ‘brillicani’s’ life changed? This is what they asked him live and Brillicani answered that there are “many brands that have been interested in me and celebrities who have called me too.” Jorge Javier couldn’t get over his astonishment so he wanted to go into more detail about it: «But what brands? What celebrities? Tell us! Rocío hesitated to speak, but ended up saying that she had been contacted by Raquel Bollo and Irene Rosales, among others. Regarding brands, «I have collaborated with clothing stores, they have sent me clothes to advertise and the truth is that it has gone seriously great. A lot of people know me! Of course, the fact that he has a TikTok user with numerous followers will help, where he has uploaded his first participation in ‘El Diario de Jorge’, for those who could not see it then or want to remember that moment. The “brillicani” has given thus a real show, a show in which he has even sung a Christmas carol, covering a classic on the level of “the ‘brillicani’ has arrived at the portal of Bethlehem and the poor man from San José has been wrapped in diamonds.” Vázquez was shocked again, and ended by saying: “but how little shame you have, really.”
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