The Sumar parliamentary group has registered in the Congress of Deputies a battery of proposals with a special focus on educational matters and, more specifically, focused on academic scholarships and learning disorders. The party led by Yolanda Díaz, through a non-legal proposal, urges the Government to cancel the scholarship return process granted in the current year since, according to those from Díaz, “this refund penalizes students from families with fewer resources.”
With current regulations, if, for example, the beneficiaries of a scholarship for the good grades obtained in the 2023-2024 academic year do not maintain their grades in 2024-2025 – or do not reach minimum levels – they must return part or all of the financial amount received. With this modification, the student who obtained a scholarship may suspend in the year following it being grantedwithout obligation to return any money to the State.
Does this regulatory change mean a modification of the requirements to obtain a scholarship? Will academic results stop weighing the benefits of income level? Not quite. The non-legal proposal focuses on the issue of aid returns. According to sources from Sumar to ABC, “at no time is it proposed that the scholarships be granted only based on the level of income, regardless of the grade.” Since, in addition, they point out, “to modify these criteria the figure of the non-legal proposition would not be valid.” Before the 2007-2008 academic year, scholarships were only returned in cases of concealment or falsehood in the data provided.
He requirement that you do want to abandon is 25% disability for access to scholarships aimed at students with specific needs. As proposed by the aforementioned parliamentary group, they want to contemplate a procedure so that students with learning disorders can also benefit from this aid. More specifically, the text would refer to students with, for example, dyslexia or ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
Furthermore, this non-legal proposition seeks continue increasing the amount of scholarships for all teachings and educational levels, with the priority of equating the aid received by Vocational Training students with that of those pursuing university studies.
Difficult to narrow down
The last of the proposals is addressed directly to the autonomous communities. Among them, what draws special attention is the willingness to prevent the privatization of the educational care service for children with special needs.
However, those special needs, defined as “those that require educational attention different from ordinary» are complex to define. The text refers to students “with developmental delay, language and communication development disorders, attention due to their high intellectual abilities, due to having joined the educational system late or due to personal conditions or school history.” It remains to be seen if the party led by Díaz manages to carry out this package of proposals, although it has already made clear its attempt to set the legislative agenda for the main party in the Government.
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